Fedora Cloud with QEMU and cloud-init

This covers the necessities for booting a Fedora Cloud instance with QEMU (directly) and having it execute cloud-init after booting. This was done in service of a project to emulate Raspberry Pi intances that could automatically configure themselves to join a network or cluster.

Things to Know

Steps (x86-64)

Assuming that we’re working off of an x86-64 machine, these steps perform a basic POC of QEMU driven Fedora Cloud before attempting to actually emulate another CPU architecture.

  1. Download the Fedora Cloud’s QEMU qcow2 system for the x86-64 family of systems.

  2. Generate a random password for a user account being added in user-data.

    mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 <password>
  3. Create cloud-init files meta-data, user-data, and vendor-data.

    • meta-data should contain:

      instance-id: <something>

      where something is anything you like.

    • user-data should contain:

          - name: <username>
            groups: user,wheel
            hashed_passwd: <password>
            lock_passwd: false
            sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

      where username is anything you like and password is the output of the mkpasswd command.

    • vendor-data can just be an empty file.

  4. Check the validity of the cloud-init user data.

    cloud-init schema --config-file user-data
  5. Create an ad-hoc IMDS webserver to serve the cloud-init files.

    python -m http.server --directory .
  6. Execute a QEMU start command against the x86-64 qcow2 image.

    qemu-system-x86_64 \
        -cpu host \
        -drive file=Fedora-Cloud-Base-39-1.5.x86_64.qcow2 \
        -m 512 \
        -machine accel=kvm \
        -nographic \
        -smbios type=1,serial=ds='nocloud;seedfrom='
  7. The console should show a system booting, some cloud-init messages, and a login prompt that accepts the username and password configured.

When you’re ready to stop the system, you can just stop the QEMU process.

pkill qemu-system-x86_64

Steps (aarch64)

The above demonstrates the basics of engaging QEMU for an x86-64 machine on an x86-64 machine and should successfully boot Fedora Cloud.

However, this isn’t very representative of the Raspberry Pi architecture. We can also apply the same cloud-init set-up for aarch64/arm64, which gets us closer (perhaps close enough) to what we want.

  1. Perform steps 1-7 above, downloading instead a qcow2 aarch64/arm64 image.

  2. Execute a QEMU start command against the aarch64 qcow2 image.

    qemu-system-aarch64 \
        -bios /usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd \
        -cpu cortex-a57 \
        -device virtio-net-pci \
        -drive file=Fedora-Cloud-Base-39-1.5.aarch64.qcow2 \
        -m 1G \
        -machine virt \
        -nographic \
        -smbios type=1,serial=ds='nocloud;seedfrom=' \
        -smp 2

    Note that the larger resources (virtual CPU and memory) provided are necessary for the image to successfully launch and present a login.

  3. The console should show a system booting, some cloud-init messages, and a login prompt that accepts the username and password configured.


Networking is easy to append onto the virtual instance using a user mode host network configuration. We do this by adding an emulated network device and configuring it for internet access.

In this scheme, the guest will be able to access the host network and the public internet and the guest will use the host’s DNS resolution, but the host will have no route to the guest.

-netdev user,id=internet -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=internet

Configuring access from the host to the guest is a little more involved. It’s possible to create a bridge network on the host which the guest can take advantage of, but that can be difficult in certain situations, like if the host only has wireless internet.

A simpler solution if you only need specific network paths is to allow QEMU to create a tunnel for a particular protocol and pair of ports.

-netdev user,id=internet,hostfwd=tcp: -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=internet

This will allow the host to connect to the guest’s SSH over port 8822.